At the outset of World War II no vehicle of war evoked more reverence, passion, terror, or pure destructive firepower, than the mighty battleship. For sheer grandeur these majestic floating fortresses were in a class of their own... Simon Atack continues his battleship theme with a magnificent study of HMS Hood, pride of the Royal Navy, as she steams majestically through the Swept Channel departing Scapa Flow on 22 May, 1941. Having fuelled at the naval base in Scotland, she steers clear of floats suspending torpedo and submarine nets, as she heads for open water and the North Sea. The crew of a naval cutter wave farewell as the mighty battleship departs upon what will prove to be her final voyage: Just a few days later she encountered the German battleship Bismarck in the Denmark Straits. In the exchange that followed, Bismarck's second and third salvoes made direct hits on Hood. Her magazines exploded and the mighty battleship sank in minutes taking all but three of her complement of 1420 sailors with her... We are honored to have the only living survivor sign this superb limited edition print. Each print is individually signed by: . Lieutenant Ted Briggs RN... Ted Briggs was an Able Seaman on the compass platform of HMS Hood when she exploded after a direct hit from Bismarck. Hood's after magazines blew up and within just three minutes the Royal Navy's best loved battleship was gone. Ted Briggs and two others were the only survivors... priced @ Sold...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
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