The night of the 16th May 1943 saw 19 modified Lancaster's of the specially formed 617 squadron set out to breach the Ennepe, Eder, Mohne and Sorpe dams in Westphalia, Germany... The mission was led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson DSO, DFC... Gibson's Lancaster can be seen in the background with lights full on to draw enemy fire, as is Mick Martin's Lancaster (AJ*P) on the near side is making it’s run at the Mohne Dam wall. Although he scored a direct hit, his bouncing bomb did not breach the dam wall. Of the 19 Lancaster's who set out, 5 received damage from enemy defences, 6 returned unscathed and 8 failed to return..."Operation Chastise" was a huge success especially for England’s morale. 58 decorations were awarded for the raid including a Victoria Cross for Gibson. The squadron were known thereafter as the Legendary Dambusters... Each print individually signed by Gibson’s Deputy Leader and one of the many Australians that participated on the raid – Air Marshal Sir Harold ‘Mick’ Martin KCB CB DSO & BAR DFC & BAR AFC... Air Marshal Sir Harold 'Mick' Martin KCB CB DSO* DFC* AFC Pilot of Lancaster AJ-P (ED909), Australian Mick Martin flew in Gibson's lead group as a Flight Lieutenant on the Dambuster Raid, and was Deputy Leader. His was the third Lancaster to make the attack of the Mohne Dam. Mick Martin later served under Leonard Cheshire. He retired from the RAF as an Air Marshal in 1974...priced @ £595.00 for this rare Framed print...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
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