With grace and majesty of mighty battleships, a pair of Short Sutherlands sweep out towards the dangers of the North Atlantic. With a 12-hour mission ahead of them the skill and dedication of the crews would once again play a crucial role in protecting vital supply lines from the menace of German U-boats...Signed by the artist : Stephen Brown and Flt. Lt. John Bishop , Wg. Cdr. V. Hodgkinson DFC MID MRAeS , Wg. Cdr. A.W.L. Paddy Mahon MBE C. Eng. MRAeS and Sqn. Ldr. Alan Nicoll...priced @ £175.00...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
Email: colin@legendsaviationgallery.co.uk
Contact: 07976 298770 or 01474 369185
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Legends House, Former RAF Gravesend, Gavel Cottage, Thong Lane, Thong Village, Shorne, Kent, DA12 4AD
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