The End of the War In North Africa 13 May 1943 JS/50/43/4

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John Patrick Kenneally VC , Lance-Corporal J.P. Kenneally , Irish Guards. Awarded the Victoria Cross for Gallantry in Tunisia between 28/30 April 1943.


190mm x 115mm approx 




50th Anniversary of World War II Events (JS50) Series...The End of the War In North Africa 13 May 1943 JS/50/43/4 ...Between 1989 and 1995 the JS50 Series commemorated the major events of the Second World War starting with Britain Declaring War in 1939 and finishing with Victory over Japan in 1945. This is one of the most popular series ever produced, and we believe, that it is one of the best series ever produced by Group Captain Bill Randle. The cover has been flown and the flight details are on the reverse of the cover with two stamps : British Airways Kuwait Concorde 4 July 1993 and Royal Air Force Brize Norton 6 July 1993...Flown from RAF Brize Norton to Kuwait Int Airport and returning to Brize Norton...A commemorative cover sponsored by THE ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION ON BEHALF OF THE EAGLE LODGE APPEAL...This cover has been signed by John Patrick Kenneally VC , Lance-Corporal J.P. Kenneally , Irish Guards. Awarded the Victoria Cross for Gallantry in Tunisia between 28/30 April is certified No 069 of 697 counter signed by Group Captain W.S.O. Randle J.S.P.C.C...priced @

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