At the outbreak of World War I- Germany-s East Asiatic squadron- consisting of two large armoured cruisers and three light cruisers under the command of Vice Admiral Graf Spee- traveled from their base at Tsingtao in northern China- across the western Pacific to the coast of Chile. On 1st November they were intercepted off the Chilean port of Coronel by a British Squadron where- enjoying a large advantage in firepower- the encounter ended with a resounding victory for Admiral Graf Spee. The British Admiralty reacted swiftly- dispatching a powerful naval force to the South Atlantic to confront the German squadron- and on 9th December battle commenced some 120 miles south west of the Falkland Islands. Outnumbered- outgunned- and outpaced by the British force- the Battle of the Falklands was over by nightfall. Von Spee and the entire crew of his flagship Scharnhorst perished- and with Leipzig- Nurnberg and Gneisenau also sunk- the East Asiatic Squadron was routed. Only Dresden escaped and when she was scuttled in Chilean waters four months later- the East Asiatic Squadron ceased to exist. This painting shows ships of the East Asiatic Squadron at anchor in a Pacific island bay prior to the outbreak of hostilities in 1914. The ships are- left to right- the light cruisers Nurnberg and Dresden- cruiser Gneisenau- and von Spee's flagship Scharnhorst...Comes complete with companion print Scharnhorst at Anchor...priced @ £295.00....To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
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