Every print in this breathtakingly beutiful new limited edition by Robert Taylor has been individually signed in pencil by Six surviving air crew veterans and a ground crew veteran of the Dams raid, including the sole-surviving Dambuster pilot, New Zealander Les Munro DSO,DFC,RNZAF. The crews of 617 Squadron that took part in the epic dams raid on the night of 16/17 May 1943 were amongst the finest in the RAF, especially the pilots. They were the elite of Bomber Command and when they left RAF Scampton that night, the skills of their pilots - some of the finest bomber pilots of the Second World War, would be tested to the limit. First, they must guide their aircraft across heavily defended enemy territory at altitudes often as low as fifty feet, dodging flack, trees, buildings and power lines and then they must attack their targets with a precision unmatched in the annals of the RAF. Of all the pilots who took to the skies that night, no one was more accomplished at low - level flying than Flight Lieutenant "Mick" Martin and it his aircraft - Avro Lancaster AJ-P, that Robert Taylor has chosen to portray in his highly evocotive new work "Inbound to Target". In company with Flight Lieutenant John Hopgood in the distance, they follow one of the many canals of Holland, wingtips bareley missing the sails of the windmills, en-route to the Mohne Dam. Delicately crafted in a subtle, unique blend of pencil and paint, Robert Taylor's latest masterpiece is a truly stunning and highly individual rendition of this most famous mission. Printed on the latest precision press, each of these exclusive limited edition prints is a true and faithful reproduction of his masterful original... THE LIMITED EDITION...Every print in this superb limited edition has been personally signed in pencil by the artist Robert Taylor together with the Six surviving air crew veterans and a ground crew veteran of the Dams raid, including the sole-surviving Dambuster pilot, New Zealander Les Munro DSO,DFC,RNZAF , Signatories : Sergeant Ray Grayston RAF, Squadron Leader George Johnson DFM RAF, Corporal Kenneth Lucas RAF, Flight Sergeant Grant Mcdonald RCAF, Squadron Leader Les Munro DSO DFC RNZAFand Sergeant Fred Sutherland RCAF...priced @ £295.00 for this Dambusters print which happens to be No 1 of the series...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
Email: colin@legendsaviationgallery.co.uk
Contact: 07976 298770 or 01474 369185
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Legends House, Former RAF Gravesend, Gavel Cottage, Thong Lane, Thong Village, Shorne, Kent, DA12 4AD
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