Ask any B-17 or Ask any B-17 or B-24 crewman which was the greatest American fighter of the war, and he'll tell you it was the P-38. For it was the P-38 Lockheed Lightning that was the first fighter to provide air cover all the way to the target , and it was the presence of P-38 escorts that deterred the Luftwaffe fighters from attacking the bombers as they flew deep into German territory. When the P-38's arrived in England in 1943 , the bombers of the 8th Air Force were taking a pounding. The endurance of the P-47 Thunderbolts allowed them to escort the bombers only as far as the German border , after that they were on their own and the Luftwaffe knew it. The German fighter pilots waited until the P-47's turned back to refuel then pounced , bomber losses were high. Though no match in a dogfight with the nimble Me 109's and Fw 190's , the P-38 pilots bravely took on the enemy whenever they attacked , and more than held their own by displaying courage and fighting skills of the highest order. In Robert Taylor's dramatic painting , we see a typical scene recreated by the world's most collected aviation artist , a B-24 has been hit and is losing touch with the main formation , the Luftwaffe pilots are concentrating their attentions on the unfortunate aircraft. Two Fw 190's , having made a diving pass through the formation , are zooming back up for the damaged B-24. Seeing the desperate situation , a P-38 escort pilot has made a head on attack , splitting the pair of determined Fw 190's , thwarting their attempt to finish off the B-24. Another P-38 , aware of the predicament , is turning into the path of the Fw 190's , and Robert makes it clear that the action has some way to go before any conclusion will be reached. With pure artistry this gifted painter gives us a wonderful view of a battle hardened P-38 and the two Fw 190's , as they pass within feet of each other... Each print in Robert Taylor's Limited Edition , Hostile Sky , is signed by 2 P-38 Aces and 2 top-scoring Fw 190 Aces : Colonel Gerald Brown , Colonel John Lowell , Captain Alfred Grislawski and Captain Gunther Schack... priced @ £200.00 ...To complement the purchase of your fine art print , we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
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