Spitfires of 234 Squadron confront Messerschmidt 109s of JG2 during one of the many attacks on naval facilities around Portland during the height of the Battle of Britain , September 1940. Ignoring the anti aircraft fire, Pilot Officer Bob Doe and Major Helmut Wick charge past one another in a fearsome ' head on ' encounter, each Ace seeking to defeat the other in a desperate fight for survival ...This superb limited edition print of only 250 plus 15 Artist proofs and 10 Remarques worldwide is Signed by the Artist David Bryant and Two Battle of Britain Fighter Pilots of opposing sides : Luftwaffe Fighter Ace and fellow member of Helmut Wick's JG 2 Erich Rudorffer holder of the Knights Cross Oakleaves and Swords and Royal Air Force Fighter Pilot Terance Kane DFC of 234 Squadron a close comrade of Bob Doe ...This is a Tribute print to the Late Wing Commander Bob Doe DSO DFC * one of the Highest Scoring R.A.F Aces of the Battle of Britain with 14 Victories who was a great supporter of Legends Aviation Gallery...priced @ £70.00 ...Artist Proof's priced @ £85.00... Remarque's priced @ £195.00 ... It is also available as a Matching numbered Set with David Bryant's other signed Bob Doe Tribute print ' The Courageous Few ' at a reduced price of £125.00 for the two prints... A very special Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Edition of only 50 , signed by 5 R.A.F Battle of Britain Aces is priced @ £100.00 and is available through the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Only, all the proceeds of this Edition remain with the Fund...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email
Email: colin@legendsaviationgallery.co.uk
Contact: 07976 298770 or 01474 369185
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Legends House, Former RAF Gravesend, Gavel Cottage, Thong Lane, Thong Village, Shorne, Kent, DA12 4AD
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