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Nicolas Trudgian and an amazing 72 signatures , 52 Luftwaffe , 3 Panzer , 2 Infantry , 1 U- Boat all K.C Holder's + 12 R.A.F and 2 USAAF Aces. ( See Description )


11" 1/4 x 9" 3/4  Multi Signed Hardback Book




NICOLAS TRUDGIAN AVIATION SKETCHBOOK...Multi Signed Mint One Off Copy ...This much anticipated new book features more than one hundred superb pencil drawings by the leading exponent of aviation landscapes… Most of the work presented in this book has been created especially for it and displays the uniquely detailed and precise style of this widely collected artist. An excitingly wide selection of aircraft is shown, from the fragile machines over the trenches of the Western Front to shapes that seem to be from another world like the SR71 Blackbird and the Sukhoi Flanker. Along the way there are many old favourites , especially of the Second World War , and even here are some 'rare birds' like the dornier 355 , the Ta152 and the Boulton Paul Defiant. The drawings reflect the fascinating development of aviation in the twentieth Century, the many beautiful forms of these aircraft and the aircrews' heroic exploits in every corner of the world. It is rare for an artist with such obvious aptitude for mechanical subject matter also to be able to capture the beauty and atmosphere of the world's landscapes , and yet Nicolas Trudgian achieves this with both pencil and paintbrush. This book , devoted exclusively to his pencil work, is complemented by a number of aircrew who have added their personal recollections , some humorous , some poignant , about their experiences in the air and on the ground , embellishing a volume which readers will enjoy returning to again and again… This book has been personally signed by the artist : Nicolas Trudgian and 14 Luftwaffe , 2 Panzer , 2 Infantry and 1 U-Boat Knights Cross / Oakleaves or Swords Holder's , signing underneath various different images throughout the book , Totaling 59 separate German signature's ...The German signatures are : Gerhard Fischer Panzer , Hans-Ekkehard Bob Luftwaffe , Gunther Rall Luftwaffe , Hugo Broch Luftwaffe , Willi Reishka Luftwaffe , Gunther Bahr Luftwaffe, Gerhard Krems Luftwaffe , Hans Krolin Luftwaffe , Otto Schultz Luftwaffe , Walter Wolfrum Luftwaffe , Hajo Hermann Luftwaffe , Gunter Seeger Luftwaffe , Kurt Dahlmann Luftwaffe , Erich Rudorffer Luftwaffe , Wilhelm Noller Luftwaffe , Kurt Bischof Infantry , Georg Bose Panzer , Georg Bleher Infantry , Alfred Eick U-Boat , Wolfgang Wollenweber and Helmut Gottwald both ME 163 Rocket pilots plus the signatures of Donald Strait and Alden .P. Rigby of the USAAF and 12 RAF Fighter / Bomber Pilots , Ken Wilkinson , Tony Pickering , John Ellacombe , Benny Goodman , John Langston ,John Bell , John Aldridge , G.A.Cook , Ken Read , Eric Burke , Ernie Clarke and Les Crumble ...Totaling 72 amazing signatures...Availability : In Stock: 1... Priced @ £995.00

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