Test Pilots...Signed by Legendary Test Pilot Richard Perlia.

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The Legendary German Test Pilot " Richard Perlia ".


6" 1/4 x 9" 1/2  Signded Hardback Book...30% discount




A Treatise on Test Flying from the Earliest Day to the Jet..By Wolfgang Spate...From the first tests of parachutes , to rocket-propelled explosive gliders , to the 'ground effect' flying boat , Test Pilots is a unique and absorbing collection of aviation stories. Over a period of many years , the author collected the memoirs and papers of pilots , from the very earliest years of aviation to the modern test pilot age. Test Pilots highlights the writings of Kurt Zwickau , Hanna Reitsch , Jean Marie Saget , and other renowned aviators...We at Legends Aviation Gallery have managed to commission a limited number of these books signed by the Legendary German Test Pilot " Richard Perlia " it was signed at our Gallery in February 2008 when we were privileged to have Richard Perlia as our guest ...As a test and company pilot , Richard Perlia was flying many times on secret missions. He was a flight captain in a time when learning was successful only by trial and error with error being the euphemistic paraphrase for the inevitable sentence of death for the test pilot. It was in 1927 that the Famous WW I Ace " Ernst Udet " discovered Perlia’s extraordinary aeronautical talent. Perlia was training as a student pilot with the company aerobatic champion Fieseler for "extended aerobatics". Udet kept an eye on Perlia and regularly assigned jobs to him that promised to be especially unusual and difficult. ( Richard and Ernst became great friends ). In the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL , German Experimental Institute for Aviation) in Berlin-Adlershof, Perlia had to carry out flat spins on 52 occasions , although a flat spin was equivalent to a fatal crash. The vertical fall from high altitude promised to produce a military advantage. Therefore , Perlia had to test the He-70 (commercial aircraft of the Lufthansa) and the Ju-88 in vertical flight , although these machines were not designed for such manoeuvres. Richard is also the only man in History to have managed to Loop a JU 52 Transporter. At the Lufterprobungsstelle (flight test centre) at Rechlin he had to undertake demonstration flights with the Flettner helicopter Fl-265 that was unable to fly with autorotation , just above Hitler and his staff. A suicide squad. Only a minor engine failure would have meant certain death to Perlia – and possibly a stroke of luck to the world. He returned from many a flight, when a return seemed impossible...Very Limited availability...priced @ £75.00.

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