THE GREATEST SQUADRON OF THEM ALL VOL.2 ...Signed Edition …Mint Condition…... Formed as a light bomber unit of the Auxiliary Air Force in October 1925, it was at the height of the Battle of Britain the Commanding Officer of RAF Hornchurch, Group Captain "Boy" Bouchier described 603 ( City of Edinburgh ) as "perhaps the greatest squadron of them all". The Squadron has enjoyed prestigious and distinguished service second to none. Volume two of this extensive history details the 603 story through 1941 and on to the squadron's part in the siege of Malta, through the anti-shipping strikes by the Beaufighters of the unit to its return to England for re-equipping with Spitfires for operations in support of bombers and against V2 launch sites. After the war, 603 Squadron was returned to auxiliary status, re-equipped again with Spitfires and then Vampire jets prior to disbandment in 1957. Re-formed in 1999, the story ends with the Squadron's duties in the modern-day air force... This book has been personally signed by two pilots who flew with 603 Squadron during the Battle of Britain:... Basil Stapleton and Peter Olver and plus the additional signatures of 9 R.A.F. Battle of Britain Pilots…John Ellacombe , Byron Duckenfeild , John Freeborn , Bob Doe , Bill Green , Peter Ayerst , Tom Neil , Tony Iveson and Billy Drake…Pages: ...416 plus over 200 photographs…Availability : In Stock: 1…Priced @ £125.00.
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