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Eight Holders of the Knights Cross Oakleaves Swords and Diamonds , Adolf Galland , Theodor Tolsdorf , Hermann Graf , Sepp Dietrich , Gordon Gollob , Hermann Ramcke , Herbert Otto Gille and Erich Hartmann.


6" x 8 1/2 " approx   Multi Signed Hardback 1st Edition Book




A very Rare sought after 5th Edition book by Guenther Fraschka printed in 1965 in Mint condition... This is a German published book detailing the WW II careers of the 27 Holders of the Knights Cross , Oakleaves , Swords and Diamonds... It has been postwar signed by an amazing 8 Holders of this prestigious award some of these signatures are extremely rare and very hard to find , they have also signed in the style of their wartime signature ...The signatures are : Adolf Galland , Theodor Tolsdorf , Hermann Graf , Sepp Dietrich , Gordon Gollob , Hermann Ramcke , Herbert Otto Gille and Erich Hartmann ...these signatures were obtained at various reunions during the 1960's... It is printed in German Text...priced @ £1695.00...It is 100% Authentic and is guaranteed...This is an amazing collection of signatures in a book which is actually dedicated to them in the first place , one of only a very few in existence.

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