A very sought after 2nd Edition book by Guenther Fraschka printed in 1958 in very good condition... This is a German published book detailing the WW II careers of the 27 Holders of the Knights Cross , Oakleaves , Swords and Diamonds...It has been post-war signed by an amazing 14 Holders of this prestigious award , some of these signatures are extremely rare and very hard to find , they have also signed in the style of their wartime signature...The signatures are : Albert Kesselring , Adolf Galland , Hermann Graf , Dietrich Von Saucken , Theodor Tolsdorf , Albrecht Brandi , Dr Karl Mauss , Erich Hartmann , Herbert Otto Gille , Sepp Dietrich , Gordon Gollob , Hasso Von Manteuffel , Hermann Ramcke and Ferdinand Schnorner ...there is also a dedication written and signed by Herbert Otto Gille. ...these signatures were obtained at various reunions during the 1950's and 1960's and could only have been signed by two other surviving Diamond Holders at that time. There were only Sixteen Diamond Holders alive at the time of this book being printed and there are only two that have not signed this book , they are Hyazinth Graf Strachwitz and Hermann Balck ... So 90% of all the Surviving Diamond Holders have signed this book... It is printed in German Text... priced @ £2995.00 .....It is 100% Authentic and is guaranteed...This is an amazing collection of signatures in a book which is actually dedicated to them in the first place , one of only a very few in existence.
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