July 10th to October 31 st 1940 - The Battle of Britain, a monumental event in British history and a major turning point of WWII. During those few summer months the RAF and Luftwaffe fought what was to become the most crucial and decisive aerial conflict in history. Never before or since has air combat been so intensive over such a period of time. The Luftwaffe had over 3000 aircraft at its disposal and the RAF were outnumbered more than five to one with less than 600 Spitfire and Hurricane fighters. During this intense battle fighter pilots of the RAF were pushed to the limits of exhaustion, very often flying five or six sorties in a single day. A day would begin at between three and four o'clock in the morning when they would prepare to be transported to their dispersal points and it was common for them to fly and fight until dusk, only returning to base to refuel and rearm. The pilots of the Luftwaffe also had many disadvantages to contend with whilst providing escorts for bombing raids over the British mainland. Crossing the Channel from their bases in Northern France they were at the limits of their range and often had only ten minutes of fuel available for actual combat. Pilots often found that in the right hands the Spitfire and Me 109 fighters were equally matched with each aircraft having certain advantages over the other. Often intense duels developed, making pilots on both sides respectful of the others skill. This edition by 9 captures perfectly the feeling of intensity and speed at exactly that moment during the heavy combat of September 1940.A Spitfire and Bf l09 are locked in close combat chasing each other down to just a few hundred feet both at full throttle, turning and diving, each trying to get the other in his sights. A downed Heinkel He 111 lies in the corn field below whilst high above them the vapor trails of combat weave through the summer sky as the battle rages on. This long awaited release from Coulson is his first ever print depicting Luftwaffe aircraft in such prominence and has been produced as a result of huge demand for him to paint this subject... Combining this with outstanding signatures of distinguished Aces from the Battle of Britain, both RAF and Luftwaffe... Signed by the Artist : Gerald Coulson , George Unwin , John Peel , Hans-Ekkehard Bob , Gunther Rall , George ' Ben ' Bennions , John Ellacombe , Pete Brothers and Sir Archie Winskill...plus on the companion print " Messerschmitt " Erich Rudorffer , Hugo Dalmer , Hermann Neuhoff , Wolf-Dietrich Huy , Bruno Stolle , Gunter Seeger , Otto Schultz and Hellmut Schonfelder.. plus on the other companion print " Spitfire " Johnnie Johnson , Peter Fox , Paddy Barthropp , Sandy Johnstone , Cyril Bamberger , Joyclyn Millard , Tom Neil , Billy Drake , Bob Doe and Christopher ' Bunny ' Currant... priced @ £1295.00 for the main print and the two mounted prints with matted Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe wings...To complement the purchase of your fine art print, we are now able to offer a professional Picture Framing service. For further details please contact us by phone or email.
Email: colin@legendsaviationgallery.co.uk
Contact: 07976 298770 or 01474 369185
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Legends House, Former RAF Gravesend, Gavel Cottage, Thong Lane, Thong Village, Shorne, Kent, DA12 4AD
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